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Purpose of Four Winds Recreation Club

Four Winds Recreation Club, has experienced the longest birthing process, in recorded history. One false labor pain after another. Potential members, moving away. Relocating the Club. Boats still needing repairs. One of our volunteer repair staff, is 84! Well, on the brighter side, the canoe runs and the sailboat, only needs a mast and rudder. The Club was inspired by a small group of outdoor activists, who were distraught over the number of people, who could only afford to watch recreation happen, with little participation, especially the parents with their children. Knowing of the many others, in worse situations, around the world and then, the Handicapped, especially in poor countries, was perplexing. Soon, a vision of partnership and sharing began to take shape. Shared recreational activities and joint ventures with the Handicapped and there seems to be only one drawback. Almost every time we share the Club vision, we acquire something else to fix, without the means to fix it, so we are really pushing our Club Credits.
The original group, knew this delema, faced many individuals, who had recreational equipment, with little means to activate it, some with children, one family with a Handicapped son and these were just in the local area. Then, one of the founders, recalling the, "Left Behind" feeling, while watching a ship sail down the Pacific coast, got the notion, that there just had to be a way, to get sharing people and the Handicapped, together on adventures like that. By combining humanitarian and research work, that many volunteers can assist with and the Handicapped, can participate in whatever capacity they are able, we could have recreation, with a broad and rewarding purpose.    

Update 11-19-2008

       Four Winds Recreation Club, continues to gain many more opportunities for sharing recreation and meaningful experiences with the Handicapped and our work is also manifesting many opportunities for youths from around the world, as well as here at home. The club has just learned of some boats in Louisiana, that are to be demolished if someone does not rescue them. The people living along the shore, do not want these boats, cluttering their view. I wonder if some needy person on a distant island, would mind if one of these boats, bringing them supplies, happened to clutter their view? The club is looking for church and missionary groups to help with saving the savable boats and sailing them to a safe place to refurbish them, so they can be shared with other mission projects. Our club also has an opportunity to acquire a property for a base headquarters, that will host a wellness center and an aging health researcher, who wants to pass on the health knowledge she has acquired over many years of study and hands on research. This health research center, will invite people from all over the world to share health knowledge, through experience and sharing. We have still not set any club dues, as there are just too many who could not afford them, no matter how low they were. To help fund our projects, the club is selling a video voucher, for $25.00, which will reserve a DVD, that promises to bring knowledge, that is beyond price. The making of this DVD, will be one of our youth projects and host many of the Handicapped while encompassing a profound research project, that mainstream science, has refused to touch. Humanity, is paying the price for this neglect and it is formidable. Please help us reveal, what promises to be, a far more hopeful path, for humanity.

       The making of this DVD, will be a youth enterprise project and should inspire many young people, to take a greater interest, in many scientific fields. To help raise the needed funding, we are also offering "CHARITY SHARES", which will be held in trust and pay dividends to the selected charity, of the purchaser's choosing. The charity selected, must be a 501c3, non-profit. These CHARITY SHARES, can be purchased through our PAY-PAL account, as soon as their link is posted on this page or they may be purchased through a local 501c3 charity, to help with their funding, by receiving 50%, at time of sale. The same charity may also be named as the recipient for the dividends paid on the CHARITY SHARES. If you know of a charity or are working with one, that needs some fundraising help, please have them contact us by mail, on their letterhead at;

                  FOUR WINDS RECREATION CLUB                                                                                    

                  P. O. Box 2831

                  White City, Oregon 97503 USA

         The CHARITY SHARES are only $1.00 each and truly are, a gift that keeps on giving, for your selected charity. We will be looking forward to your consideration and support. Thank you.














Our Executive Team

Jeffrey Hoff, Club Chaiman
Karen Sanderson, Chief Assistant

Arlene Alabat, Club Treasurer

Robert C. Pringle, Maintainance

Vince Cook, Aqusitions Officer

Christina Pollock, Club Secretary

Mission Statement

Four Winds Recreation Club, is dedicated to establishing, affordable assisted recreation and joint-venture opportunities, for the Handicapped, around the world.
Additionally, supporting new fields of research, that will benefit the Handicapped and the needy, as well as the rest of us. Our appreciation is forever extended to those who have already, given, their undying support and encouragement. We believe, that many new activities and projects, will be inspired, that would have been cast aside, for the assumed lack of funds and interest. The pioneer approach of, pooling resources and efforts, will make many things happen, that were thought to be, impossible.

E-mail Us

Want to send us a brief note? Be sure to put Club-Info in the subject line. fourwinds2525@hotmail.com

White City, Oregon-World Headquarters